au niveau individuel
Vous êtes au C-level et vous souhaitez devenir CEO un jour ?
Vous souhaitez améliorer la performance de vos équipes ?
Mon approche
Un(e) dirigeant(e) se retrouve souvent seul(e) dans sa prise de décision et sur ses priorités.
Dans mon accompagnement individuel je transpose mon expérience de grand groupes mais aussi de petites PME afin de vous aider à résoudre VOTRE challenge personnel.
Bénéficiez de
30 minutes d’entretien offertes
Chaque manager est unique et se trouve face à un challenge unique.
Durant ces 30 minutes nous allons survoler les différentes dimensions liées à votre situation personnelle et aboutir à un premier diagnostic et à un plan d’action.
Leurs expériences de mon accompagnement
Cies Vanneste
Product Development Manager
As the Product Development Manager, I was asked to introduce and coordinate a project management method developed by Pascal.
The goal was to set up a meaningful product portfolio in the short term and to create a roadmap with new developments for the years to come. Together with Pascal, I introduced ‘Track’, a systematic way of working, allowing creativity while assuring deadlines.
Open communication, validated decisions, centralized documentation and transparent reporting were the necessary conditions to ensure a high ownership and involvement of colleagues.
Decisions were made as a team, resulting in shared responsibility and shared successes.
The approach was then expanded and applied on purchase, logistics and sales projects.
The most important achievement of this approach was that it created a clear view on the short and mid-term future, delivered results and aligned the team.
Lies Van Wyngene
Marketing Manager
Saskia Van Kerckvoorde
Pascal succeed in starting the turnaround of the organization by establishing a focus on the core business, establishing a clear vision and strategy, building a motivated team which led to stabilization and growth of the business.
I truly like his management style that is built on values of respect, clear focus through insight and broad experience. His openness as well as his open mind make him a strong leader to take an organization to the next level.